Just as the team was preparing to leave Dortmund in the last training session, Li Ning received a message from Niebaum unexpectedly. He regretted telling Li Ning that he had turned over almost all the training turf because of too much input in players’ training. It was an unexpected expense for a club to replace most of the training turf in the season. I hope Li Ning will be worth the money and shake his head with a wry smile.


Chapter 54 Out of the background
The description of the game is that I wrote it before the final round, but the facts are definitely inconsistent, but it is also due to the later plot and appropriate changes in the later stage. Please don’t compare it realistically.
Dortmund’s team arrived in Munich the day before according to the rules. This is the last game of the season and it is also to decide whether it can play more UEFA Cup qualification keys.
Since a press conference will be held on Monday to announce the successful acquisition of Dortmund Club by the World Tang Group, Li Ning has directly booked the presidential suite of the team couch hotel. This move has given you a chance to play. Previously, the stock market fluctuated due to the acquisition of Dortmund shares. After some fans sold their shares, they announced everywhere that Dortmund was being acquired out of self-ostentation. The news is not only that Li Ning and Niebaum have remained silent, but this matter has not been officially recognized. Li Ning Shang, the world’s top billionaire, suddenly appeared in the presidential suite of Dortmund’s team couch hotel, which coincided with the characteristics of the acquisition of Dortmund club by a Chinese-funded background group. So the news that Dortmund club had changed hands the day before the start of the game began to spread, and the media were scrambling to speculate on the possibility of news. Li Ning Shang’s worth background.
Everything the media has done is actually in the hands of Li Ning. This time, his appearance in this way is not aimed at the target. He just wants to spread the news that Dortmund Club has changed its owner in the media. At first, he was worried about the fans’ problems. After his own time, he tried to believe that the management members of Guangguang New Club would be enough to send them away. What he needs most now has shifted to the players because they are not optimistic about the club’s prospects. Several players have said that they will leave the club after the season, although Li Ning Shang is not optimistic about most of the players in the team, but there are also some players who Li Ning Shang is absolutely unwilling to give up. For example, Rosicky Li Ning Shang wrote a check for 5 million in this game, not only to encourage players to strive for UEFA Cup seats, but also to stabilize the morale of the players. Coupled with these news from the media, Li Ning Shang is painting the future prospects for the players.
The news from the media really caused a sensation in the players’ department. Compared with the news that the club was acquired, they are now more concerned about who the future boss is. They have heard that the authenticity is over 90%. The 5 million bonus is a gift from the new boss. It depends on their hard work, but at least they are very happy that the club has a rich backing.
This news has also divided the team into two factions. Rosicky and Rickon are the first to expect to be sent to have confidence in their own strength. They are full of confidence in having a position in the team in the future. Now they are more concerned about who will become their teammates in the season. Now they have decided to put aside their original transfer ideas for the time being and prepare to listen to the future plan of the new chairman. Besides, there is another group, Buckley. David odonkor and others have become the top players. Because of their ugly performance in the season, the new chairman definitely has reason to let them pack up and leave. No one will be sacrificed. No one wants to be kicked out of the team by shame when the team is likely to turn over. However, what should make Li Ning most happy is that all the players have decided to show their strength to their new boss and leave a good impression. Although these Li Ning businessmen have no idea, things are really developing in a good direction.
On Saturday, the Allianz Stadium was full of Bayern fans early. Bayern people left more than 60,000 seats for their fans, and there may be yellow stands. Today, they disappeared because Bayern fans are here to witness their club’s 19th championship since 63 years ago.
Accompanied by matthaeus and Niebaum, Li Ning Shang appeared in the VIP area of the stadium far away. He saw Hess also coming to the stadium. This was the last time that Hess went to the home to watch the team game before leaving his job. They smiled at each other and cared about everything. From the day of the meeting, the two would become colleagues.
"You haven’t been to westfalen Stadium to watch the game, have you? We Dortmund fans are definitely more enthusiastic than Bayern fans." Looking around at the singing and dancing, Bayern fan Niebaum proudly said.
"I know that I once experienced the enthusiasm of Dortmund fans in the TV broadcast, and it was the owners who made me decide to buy Dortmund Club," Li Ning said with a smile.
The stadium broadcast began to broadcast the names of the two sides’ appearances. The defenders of Dortmund’s starting line goalkeeper Weidenler are Woens, Didi, Burzenska and Heitmeier. In fact, there is another general in Dortmund’s defense line, which has been selected for the German national team Metzelder in the World Cup. However, due to his recent injury and state, Van Marwijk put him on the bench. In the middle court, Kyle, Rosicky and Rickensasin are still the same, and everyone in the forward line is similar except Smolarek. Finally, Van Marwijk gave the opportunity to david odonkor.
In comparison, Bayern will be much more luxurious. It can be said that the star goalkeeper does not say that everyone knows that it is Kahn. However, the recent state of Kahn is really flattering. Even the position of the main goalkeeper of the national team has been handed over to Lehmann’s defender line. Bayern sent Dessler and Sauer. Zeroberto and Ballack’s luxury front lines are Ma Kai and Pizarro. Every time a live announcer gives a name of a Bayern player, there will be warm cheers on the field, but there is one exception, that is, Ballack’s Bayern Club has been very stiff recently. The club offered him a huge contract to renew it, but he refused it because the Chelsea contract was more attractive, which made it include Numenig, Hess was very unhappy at the top of the club, and Mourinho took the opportunity to muddy the waters at Chelsea, saying that geniuses should not pay attention to what others said. Choosing Chelsea would make Ballack go further and make Bayern fans very disgusted. When Ballack’s name was remembered in the stadium, the fans chose silence.
Before the opening ceremony, the team arranged a flower offering ceremony to show the generosity of the club. They also arranged Barak among them. At the same time, Barak was embarrassed to transfer to Chelsea. He was free to transfer to Bayern Munich and didn’t get any clubs. Of course, he was annoyed that the management had already released Barak’s remarks that he left for money.
The final round of CCTV’s five studios will broadcast the championship team competition as usual, and the final award ceremony will be broadcast by the way. Duan Xuan and Tao Wei are still the game hosts
"In the German media, it is said that two departing souls are playing Bayern. Barak has decided to join Chelsea in the Premier League after the season, and Dortmund Rosicky also said that Juventus in Italy has offered a price of 10 million euros. If the transfer is successful, it will help Dortmund’s serious financial problems." Duan Xuan will receive the latest news to explain to the audience.
"Duan Xuan" Tao Wei answered, "I don’t know if you have received the news that Dortmund is now being acquired and that the acquisition of them is a China enterprise. This matter has been opened on the German network. I called and consulted German media friends, and they also confirmed this matter, but it has not been confirmed for the time being because the Dortmund club has been silent."
"I have also seen reports on this matter on the Internet, all of which are from fans, but we can calculate the current value of Dortmund Club here. If there are China enterprises to buy it, we can also predict which enterprises can meet this standard."
Tao Wei immediately transferred the Dortmund Club assets report from his mind and read, "According to the latest Dortmund financial report, there are about 8.18 million self-owned assets and 160 million fixed assets in Dortmund Club, but its liabilities are as high as 118 million euros, that is to say, if Dortmund is acquired, it needs less than 1.5 billion euros, which is equivalent to nearly 1.7 billion yuan."
"State-owned enterprises can draw out such a huge sum of money, but absolutely no business leader dares to set this fund. It seems that it is hoped that there will be no more than one private enterprise," Duan Xuan analyzed.
"One more thing is that there was news about China enterprises buying European clubs before it was heard, but it was all gone in the end. I said it here because one side of today’s game was Dortmund, so I just shared it with you." Tao Wei said with a smile.
Duan Xuan suddenly interrupted Tao Wei’s speech. He seemed to be listening carefully to the pilot’s words in the earphone. After a while, he said excitedly, "The audience just told me that Dortmund President Niebaum went to the scene to watch the game today, and a mysterious Asian was sitting next to him. If the above is said, it is likely to be from China. Now the other director doesn’t know who is. The German side has asked the stand camera to shoot the mysterious figure around Niebaum at a convenient time."
Tao Wei also said excitedly, "Today is the last round of the Bundesliga, and Dortmund will fight for the UEFA Cup this season. It seems very likely that the negotiations between the two sides have reached a substantive stage or they have specially come to the on-site team to cheer, but they don’t know the final result."
Just as they were excited to guess who the mysterious person would be, the picture cut to the stands. Bayern fans jumped and jumped, and one of them started a whole Bayern Munich club flag. As a result, they will all be the happiest German fans this season. Because Bayern has won the championship in the previous round, the picture flashed to the VIP area. beckenbauer, rummenigge and Hess appeared in the picture, laughing and laughing.
"This may be the last time for three colleagues to appear on the field at the same time, because Hess has resigned not long ago, which has also caused a great sensation in Germany. Everyone is speculating about his whereabouts." Duan Xuan once again released the news to the public
Niebaum, matthaeus and Li Ning appeared in front of hundreds of millions of fans in China, but the picture flashed by.
Duan Xuan immediately cried "is that Li Ning Shang? Please direct the pilot to play back the picture and freeze it. "
This has never been done in the broadcast, but it is just a piece of cake for these directors. They immediately rewind the video to the previous picture.
Tao Wei looked at it again and said, "It’s true that Li Ning Shang seems to have heard that it is possible to be true. It is absolutely possible for the Shitang Group to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to acquire Dortmund Club, and it is also very likely that they will own the club in China and develop in this respect."
Duan Xuan went on to say, "If the acquisition comes true, Li Ning has created a miracle among business people and now it will bring a surprise to China fans."
"Yes, Dortmund, a China-controlled club, will definitely have many more fans in China."
As the two people teased each other, the competition finally started.
There are a large number of Zhou Jing. If any friends want to add points, please leave a message in the comment area. I will add more essence to everyone on a first-come-first-served basis.
Chapter 55 War Bayern ()
With the referee’s whistle, the game finally started, but Bayern players found out at the beginning of the game that there was something wrong with Dortmund today, and each player became extremely fierce. In less than five minutes, the foul had reached four times, almost once a minute. The most hateful thing was that their feet were extremely fierce and they were bound to put people down. However, because they all tackled the ball head-on and seemed to be wrong, they all closed their feet at the end, and the referee did not show a yellow card. He immediately found that Kyle rushed at himself. Boy, Kyle was famous for his strong body in the Bundesliga. If he was given a chance, he might have to go to Chelsea immediately. If he had an injury at this time, it wouldn’t be worth it. Barak gave the ball to Sauer next to him without thinking about anyone, and then he inserted it forward, but he stopped before he ran two steps. The crisp whistle sounded immediately, and Sauer was put by Sassin. It was still a verbal warning that Sassin bowed to the referee honestly. After bowing, he ran back to the backcourt, leaving Sauer in pain and tumbling Ballack. He was glad that he had just rolled the ball, or he might have been himself now. At the same time, he immediately decided that it was absolutely impossible to break through with more fastballs and dribbles today.
Referee Sorcan got up from the grass without pulling out his cards. He turned over his stockings and lifted the shin guards. Seeing that the kicked part was faintly blue, he went to the sidelines and asked the team doctor to spray some medicine. Then he jumped in place and returned to the field without feeling unwell. He looked at the distance. Saxin was a novice Turkish futuristic boy dug up by Dortmund this year. At this time, he was pulling Dessler pants to interfere with his breakthrough. It seems that this little lesson should be taught to let him know what respecting the elderly and loving the young Sauer immediately ran forward.
At this time, Dessler was about to kill people, and a little boy secretly pulled his pants and pants out. Although it was far from the stands, the fans couldn’t see anything, but it was unpleasant after all. It was small and poisonous enough to run right next to him and the referee. * Who wouldn’t play dirty? Immediately, Dessler began to increase his wave amplitude and tried to give Sassin a hard hand inadvertently.
Just as Dessler was focusing on how to fix Sassin, Ricken suddenly appeared in front of him with a fierce tackle. Dessler’s personal breakthrough process slammed and fell to the ground, begging for Sassin’s feet. The referee looked at the linesman and saw that the linesman cut a move to continue the game. It was a beautiful tackle, so he ignored it and kept still. Dessler let the game continue.
If the referee didn’t blow the whistle, the game would still be going on. Sasin immediately spread his legs and rushed to Bayern’s half-court. Sauer didn’t like it. He immediately rushed over from Sasin’s side, which was a slippery product. He even sent Sasin off the sideline with the ball. Suddenly, the scene became lively. Rosicky took the lead and rushed over. He put his hands behind his back, put his head on Sauer’s head and shouted curses at him, and Bayern players immediately gathered around. They were angered by Dortmund players today, so it was short. In a short time of one minute, at least five of his teammates have fallen on the grass, but now Sauer has put them in one, and the other side has reacted so violently. Ballack pushed Rosicky away without saying anything, and the players of the two teams got entangled and blamed each other.
As soon as the referee saw that something was wrong, he and the linesman first separated the players from the two teams, and then asked the linesman about the situation at that time. Because the players gathered around quickly, he didn’t see clearly what happened after the players gathered together. After the inquiry, the referee first went to the nearest place. Barak verbally warned him about the trip he had just held in SanRosicky’s hand, and then he motioned Sauer to come over and took out a yellow card from his hand and lifted it to the sky.
"Oh, no," Sauer screamed. He covered his face with his hands and was a deputy. It was a great injustice. Just now, he did have revenge on that foot, but why did this first yellow card fall to him after so many players fell? He immediately turned around and walked away at half-time, cursing something constantly. Of course, the referee must have heard nothing, but it was not stupid to eat a red card.
When he saw someone dye Huang Sasin, he immediately got up from the ground. He brushed his pants and the soil, and he followed him in the direction of Sauer’s running.